Davy Crockett
“Made his way to Congress…Fixed up the Government and Laws too.” I would love to have met this guy!
Obviously, my focus on this part of the song is the Government and Laws… I don’t think there’s many of you out there, if any, that won’t agree with me that the United States Government and Laws need to be straightened up. I will go over some of the problems and corruptness of our Government that I have come across, and probably some of the laws. This is basically a “What’s wrong with this?!” post involving the Government, agencies, laws, etc. Whatever comes to my mind.
First, let’s mention taxes. Have you ever noticed that you constantly get told “The IRS updates their system daily?” So keep wasting your time by checking it every day to see if there’s an update. The truth is, they update it every late Friday night into the early hours of Saturday morning. So they can lie to us and it not bother them, but how dare us if we try to lie to them or not bow down to what they want!
I had to verify my identity last year. Some stupid stuff. I had to use an identity PIN. So this year, the IRS forced me to use on again. I called to find out if they are going to make me verify myself again since they forced me to use the identity pin. I was told that I shouldn’t and that I should be able to get my taxes back within the 3 weeks. Well, I check the status after 3 weeks and it says, “We apologize but the process is taking longer than normal.” Now mind you, last year it took me several months because of the Government and their crap to get my verification done and when I finally got my taxes 7 months later, with the help of a tax advocate, the IRS was claiming they were so far behind on verifying people, that they were 2 YEARS behind! What happened last year was when someone was going through my taxes, that person did not mark a box, which threw me in to the whole mess during the verification process, and as my advocate told me, “No one told you every time you called. They ALL should have seen it.”
Anyways, on the next business day, I called the IRS to find out what is going on. Oh, we don’t know. The system “randomly selects people” (which they are trained to say) and won’t tell us why, but you do have to verify your identity again. Wait for the letter…. So I got the letter, and it says one of the most stupid reasons of all time on why I have to verify my identity again… I filed a 1040 form! (A 1040 form is the form that you put in your information from a W-2)… so because I filed my taxes, I have to verify myself! How ridiculous is that?! But, since I’m stupid, it would be insane to even think that since they forced me to use an Identity Protection PIN, that they would make me verify my identity and my tax information because of that, right? So much for the Government jobs, being a good one… teaching, training, and EXPECTING their employees to lie! Just goes to show the saying is true, Don’t trust your government! Also, that politics and religion don’t mix… My faith that I grew up in, taught me that it’s wrong to lie. I mean, if you intended on doing something and something happened beyond your control that you couldn’t fulfill your promise, and therefore ended up lying, I can understand that. But it’s pretty low to force your employees to lie, knowing you are forcing them to do that! I thought government jobs had good benefits, and that social services are supposed to be good people who help people… but the more I have had to deal with Government entities, I am so glad I have never had a Government Job! Especially to be told and expected to lie!
Second, let’s mention SSI… They have a stipulation that they only want to approve you if they anticipate you having a condition in which you will die in a year! Thanks, glad you have my back! As we can see, the Government has much to be desired, and creates quite a few problems for many of us, but yet, we will only help you for a year…. just like retirement, work up until you die if you are a male, and possibly only get retirement for 4 years if you are a female?!
Let’s not fail to mention the VERY misleading title, Medical Assistance for Workers with a Disability/Disabilities… same concept. They are only willing to help provide you with medical insurance for a year while working. Even if you have a federally recognized disability, that does not qualify you for medical assistance for working, unless they anticipate you to die in a year… Lame in my opinion.
So my major depression, suicidal ideations, anxiety high enough to nearly give me a heart attack or cause a stroke at any time, has no possibility in the government’s eyes to kill me in a year… Not to mention, how long the process takes to even get approved, if you do. Do we see a pattern here? The government makes it sound so good that we have this program and this program. but we don’t want everyone to know about, and we sure as heck don’t want to pay anything, unless we absolutely have to, and at that, it’s very minimal… That’s what you get for breathing! (Or at least in America).
Applications & Processing
Anyone ever apply for assistance through a government program? What a mess! Either Biden set this in motion before he was out of office, or Trump is making all the horrid changes going on… Whichever or whoever caused it, I don’t know. I don’t care either. He knows who he is… What I do care about is the stupidity of it. The applications ask you, do you need this? Are you applying for this? Are you applying for this person…. Several pages worth of questions… If you say no I don’t need this (I already have one), for example, a card, they mail you one out anyway. Or you say no I don’t need insurance for this person, I already have that taken care of… They process it anyway and screw everything up…Really, thanks for wasting people’s time with the way you have the system’s programmed just to make it difficult on people!
I’ll come back to this and more at another time. Until then, if you are able to, Please feel free to leave comments for all to see! Maybe someday we will have someone like Davy Crockett come back and straighten up the Government and Laws! Once I finish up a couple of my other posts, I’m hoping to show you how some of the early foundations of some of our settler’s that really destroyed the way America should be!
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