Good/ Bad (Job Related)

As I have mentioned, I have worked for fortune top 500 companies, I’ve worked for ones that I believe would qualify for top 500 worst companies to work for, and I have actually physically worked inside one that did make the list of one of the worst companies… the owner wasn’t paying the employees any of their overtime, so they took the owner to court and the judge told the owner to pay EVERYTHING the employees had been shorted on for pay, and even told the owner not to EVER step foot back on the property again, even though she owned it! Another company was taken all the way to Supreme Court for the same reason, not wanting to pay employees their wages they were entitled to! As mentioned in my Davy Crockett post on Government things and how they weasel out of not having to pay, and not wanting to pay, or help people in need, or do what they can to extend assistance as absolutely long as possible, it just goes to show, “Greed is the root of all Evil.”

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